What to do if your child puts a foreign object in his or her ear

What to Do If Your Child Puts a Foreign Object in Their Ear

If you suspect that your child has inserted a foreign object into their ear, it's essential to remain calm and take the following steps:

  • Assess the Situation: Ask your child about what happened and observe any signs or symptoms of discomfort, pain, or hearing impairment.

  • Avoid Panic: While it's natural to feel anxious, try to stay calm and reassure your child that you will help them.

  • Do Not Attempt Removal Yourself: Avoid using cotton swabs, tweezers, or other tools to remove the foreign object. Attempting removal at home can push the object deeper into the ear canal or cause injury.

  • Seek Medical Attention: Contact your healthcare provider or seek emergency medical care immediately. A healthcare professional can safely examine your child's ear and determine the best course of action for removal.

  • Follow Medical Advice: Follow any instructions provided by the healthcare provider for managing the situation, including scheduling a prompt appointment for evaluation and removal.

  • Prevent Future Incidents: Educate your child about the importance of ear safety and the dangers of inserting objects into their ears. Store small objects out of reach and supervise young children during playtime.


Kids putting foreign objects in their ears is a common occurrence that can have serious consequences if not addressed promptly and appropriately. By understanding why children engage in this behavior and knowing how to respond effectively, parents and caregivers can help protect their children's ear health and well-being.

Remember, when in doubt, always seek medical attention from a qualified healthcare professional for proper evaluation and management of ear-related concerns.